Weight Loss B.L.U.E.P.R.I.N.T




Lifestyle Medicine Community Group

Do you want to:

  • Feel happier?
  • Lose weight?
  • Boost energy?
  • Feel stronger?
  • Find your tribe?


A group discussion image

healthy foods

Are you willing to:

  • Make big changes?
  • Contribute to discussions?
  • Eat better and be more active?
  • Track habits daily to achieve goals?
  • Provide feedback to improve the service?

If so...

Join our free Weight Loss Weight Loss B.L.U.E.P.R.I.N.T Lifestyle Medicine Community Group

Groups of 5-20 participants led by Dr Tom Gedman, GP

Group education and discussion:
  • Session 1 - Motivation, habits and goals
  • Session 2 - Nutrition and sleep
  • Session 3 - Stress, mood and toxins

All taught within a brand new B.L.U.E.P.R.I.N.T health framework

Monday 1:30pm - 3pm
Only on the following dates:
  • Group 1 - 24th July, 31st July, 7th August
  • Group 2 - 21st August, 4th September, 11th September
  • Group 3 - 18th September, 25th September, 2nd October
  • Group 4 - 16th October, 23rd October, 30th October
Bring your trainers!

All sessions include 30 minutes of light and fun group exercise


St Oswalds Church
Jardine Crescent
Tile Hill

To book please complete the online form or speak with your GP reception

Or for more information please visit the Weight Loss Blueprint page

Published: Jul 24, 2023